We've all been there. We decide we want to lose a few pounds. We feel motivated and excited and ready to take on the world. It seems achievable. Then quietly, a little self-doubt begins to creep its way into our thoughts, and we start wondering if it's even possible.
What Stands Between You and Success?
It's a life-changing decision when we choose to lose weight. It's not necessarily an easy destination, but it doesn't need to be difficult either. We should be both excited and motivated, since by achieving our goal, we'll not only make positive changes in all areas of our lives, but along the way, we'll also learn things about ourselves that we would never have expected.
Mental Preparation for the Journey
Have you ever wondered why so many people choose to lose weight, yet fail to start? or at best, fail to stick with it long enough to achieve meaningful results?
Every weight loss journey begins with the best of intentions. No one starts or plans to fail, yet statistics show, that most do. Even more surprisingly, many people don't even start!
They become overwhelmed by what may feel like an unachievable goal. They focus on where they are today, and just how much weight they need to lose. They fixate on a weight loss number and not the journey itself. The destination seems impossible to achieve, and as a result, they feel overwhelmed and begin to procrastinate.
Procrastination Can Kill Enthusiasm
Procrastination is a horrible thing. It robs us of our confidence and our ability to make life changing improvements. Plain and simple, it keeps us from getting started.
We delay taking action and become focused on less important, but more pleasurable tasks until eventually our goals are all but forgotten.
Here's the reality, if you want to achieve something big and life changing, you must take the first step. There's simply no way around it. If you don't start, you can never cross the finish line.
When You Begin to Falter
When you decided to lose weight you had a motivating reason. It was important to you when you set your goals and started your journey.
Don't lose sight of your WHY. Recognize the significance of its importance, and understand that you're just overwhelmed and that it's okay for you to feel that way.
3 Reasons it's Hard to Start a Weight Loss Journey
Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to get started? There are three primary reasons people struggle with taking the first step to starting a weight loss program.
Be aware that you may be sabotaging yourself by procrastinating. If you find that you keep making excuses for starting your weight loss journey, it may be because you feel overwhelmed.
Don't be afraid to fail. The only way you can fail at weight loss is if you stop trying and quit. Along the way, you may feel like it's impossible, but if you stay in the race long enough, you will succeed!
Although, you may not achieve losing the number of pounds you want by your desired date, if you're working towards your goals, you're closer than when you started. Simply put, that's success, not failure!
Understand that you might need to start more than once. But persistence wins every time. If you want something bad enough you must keep at it until you succeed.
There's a Japanese saying, “Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight.” In essence, it means, that successful people don't always win without facing a few set backs.
What separates the successful individuals apart from the others, is that they keep trying. They don't give up. They accept that challenges and failures are simply opportunities, that when overcome, will move them closer to victory.
4 Steps to Successful Weight Loss
There's no reason to allow your feelings of being overwhelmed to lead you down the road of procrastination. Change happens in small increments, and it's important to accept that you won't achieve your overall goal overnight.
But if you make a plan, take small steps, and most importantly, take the first step, you're well on your way. Robbie Vorhaus puts it like this: "This very moment is the end of my past and the beginning of my future!"
Now's the time to plan your journey and take action. Don't wait another day. These four steps will help you find the path to successful weight loss:
Set a Goal
Set your overall goal outside of your comfort zone. Your end goal should challenge you. It should change your life, and the lives of those around you. But don't be delusional, it should also be realistic. Remember, losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is considered healthy weight loss.
Know Your Why
Know why achieving this goal is important to you. What will your life look like once you achieve it. Visualize it. Feel it. Write it down and keep it with you.
Be very clear on why losing weight matters to you. There'll be days that the “why” will be what keeps you going or gets you back on track.
Plan Your Course
Break down your overall goal into smaller pieces, called Step Goals. Step Goals are small milestones along the way to your ultimate goal.
Don't make your Step Goals about the number on the scale. Remember, losing weight is about making a lifestyle change. It's a best practice to have the majority of your Step Goals as actionable steps such as walking 30-minutes a day, or getting 8-hours of sleep every night, or shopping and planning your menus every Sunday.
These types of Step Goals will help lead you to your overall goal. Don't try to do everything overnight. Use your Step Goals to change your habits and watch your weight begin to drop!
Get Started
Take the first step, it's the most important thing you can do. Put your plan in motion. Set a Step Goal that's easily achievable.
Maybe you want to exercise every day, or eat a salad for lunch, or drink green tea instead of coffee, or even something as simple as taking a daily vitamin.
Whatever it is, set a time frame of about two weeks for your first Step Goal before moving to the next. You'll build momentum and confidence along the way when you break down your overall goal, not to mention, you're far more likely to be successful!